Mobile Video Guard | Shawn Scarlata

a facility with a large amount of stacked lumber

Why Criminals Target Lumber Yards — and How Lumber Yard Security Can Help

The housing market and the cost of lumber are making the commodity extremely valuable, necessitating lumber yard surveillance and security Lumber yard and construction company owners are noticing a disturbing trend, as their sites are becoming a bigger attraction for thieves. Sky-high lumber prices are one reason criminals steal more often from these locations, as […]

Why Criminals Target Lumber Yards — and How Lumber Yard Security Can Help Read More »

one of a company’s fake security camera

Why Fake Security Cameras Won’t Protect Your Business

Real video surveillance is necessary if you’re serious about stopping criminals On the surface, installing fake security cameras around your property might make some sense. After all, imitation cameras are less expensive than real video surveillance devices, and they could conceivably have some benefits as a crime deterrent. However, the reality is that fake cameras

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a security agent with remote surveillance access monitoring a video feed

How Remote Surveillance Access Can Benefit Your Business

Adding this layer of protection shields your assets while providing peace of mind. In past generations, a business’s security was simply reliant on the quality of the locks installed on the doors and windows. Then, alarms and other security devices became more common, providing greater peace of mind for company owners. But as thieves reached

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a construction site

Optimizing Construction Security with Mobile Video Surveillance

Nearly everything on a construction site is temporary, so an adaptable mobile security solution fits right in. A construction site is essentially a temporary workplace in service of a permanent structure. A construction company sets everything up, completes the project, and moves its gear elsewhere for the next job. Since the site is temporary, some

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Traffic sign of a car being towed to impound

An Inside Look at Impound Yard Security & Surveillance

Impound lots should be safe havens for vehicles and people. But bad things can happen with substandard security and surveillance. Impound yards serve multiple sectors, ranging from law enforcement agencies holding vehicles on legal grounds to businesses storing them for auction or preparing them for scrap. Whatever the application, these yards can be targets for

An Inside Look at Impound Yard Security & Surveillance Read More »

Green pen ticking checklist boxes

Selecting the Right Surveillance Type for Your Business

There are many surveillance camera system options available. Here are some key boxes to check. Thieves, vandals, and frauds cause plenty of havoc and expense at retail stores, construction sites, and many other settings. And businesses of all kinds can benefit greatly from installing video surveillance that protects people, property, and profits. This guide simplifies

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warning sign on grocery store spill

How Video Surveillance Helps Protect Retail Customers — and Stores from Injury Claims

Retail stores and parking lots can pose injury risks for customers and liability risks for owners. Monitored security cameras can mitigate these incidents. Security cameras have significant benefits for a variety of businesses, giving owners and managers the ability to monitor various activities that happen on the premises. In retail, video surveillance allows owners to

How Video Surveillance Helps Protect Retail Customers — and Stores from Injury Claims Read More »

school grounds undergoing construction renovation

Shield Schools with Under-Construction Mobile Video Surveillance

Educational facilities undergoing construction or renovation face risks of vandalism, theft, and more. Here’s how monitored video surveillance significantly enhances security. Walk by any construction or renovation project, and you’ll immediately notice one thing in common: they’re wide-open spaces with a lot of people coming and going. There’s little way around that open layout while

Shield Schools with Under-Construction Mobile Video Surveillance Read More »

Hand throwing a large amount of money into a trash can because not upgrading to modern surveillance methods wastes hard-earned cash

Why Using Legacy Cameras Instead of Modern Surveillance Methods Is Losing You Money

Don’t let technology phobia and expense fears give criminals a blank check for your business. Here’s why it’s time to upgrade to modern surveillance methods. Even the most pro-security people can understand why some work sites (especially large ones) are wary of the mobile surveillance process and reluctant to upgrade legacy systems to newer video

Why Using Legacy Cameras Instead of Modern Surveillance Methods Is Losing You Money Read More »

Massive crowds walking through a convention, making trade show security a necessity.

7 Trade Show Security Tips to Keep Your Exhibit Safe

Taking your company’s trade show security into your own hands can secure your products, even when you aren’t there to watch them. Here’s what to know. Trade shows are great ways to get your products and services out there for interested parties to see. You can drum up a lot of business in a hurry

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Magnifying glass and eyeglasses on top of insurance forms signifying improved insurance claims processes and outcomes

How Video Surveillance Can Improve Insurance Claims Outcomes

Many insurance claims are rejected due to a lack of evidence. Learn why insurers look favorably on video footage and the businesses that capture it. A company purchases insurance because it accepts that every business model has its risks. There’s a policy to cover every eventuality, from customer and employee theft to trespassing, vandalism, arson,

How Video Surveillance Can Improve Insurance Claims Outcomes Read More »

Infrared surveillance image showing heat from people, animals, and vehicles to enhance after-hours security

A Spotlight on After-Hours Security

Criminals know that weak video surveillance literally leaves businesses in the dark. Here’s how to keep sites safer after sundown with after-hours security. Every business is most at risk from sunset to sunrise, making after-hours security a must. Little to no physical presence onsite combined with low light conditions make it easier for criminals to

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Construction site that needed fire detection on fire at night

Why Add Fire Detection So You Don’t Get Burned by Construction Site Fires

Construction fires start easily and spread quickly. Here’s how to add fire detection and other plans to avoid the worst. Construction sites are high-risk areas with more than their share of problems, including widespread theft and trespassing. They’re also literal hotspots for fires – which can cost companies materials, entire projects, and even lives –

Why Add Fire Detection So You Don’t Get Burned by Construction Site Fires Read More »

Close-up image of an employee slipping stolen money into their pocket, which would easily be revealed by a video surveillance system

Let Video Surveillance Open Your Eyes to Employee Fraud

There are several ways for dishonest workers to take advantage at work. Video surveillance can be a powerful deterrent. No business is safe from employee fraud, and an easily opened safe or cash register isn’t the only target. The more valuable the objects and raw materials are on-site, the more likely thieves will get sticky

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Close-up of workers compensation claim form

Workers Compensation Fraud Is a Problem – but Video Surveillance Can Stop It

Workers Comp crime is rampant, and your workplace could be next. Make it harder for them with video scrutiny of your site. Legitimate workplace injuries occur in all employment sectors. High-risk occupations such as the construction industry immerse employees in many hazardous situations, making injury on these sites more likely. Genuine on-the-job injuries are expensive

Workers Compensation Fraud Is a Problem – but Video Surveillance Can Stop It Read More »

A woman’s eye with a dollar sign overlaid

Here’s How Video Surveillance Can Help Your Project Financially

A clearer view of how on-site cameras can help companies create cost-effective security At first glance, the benefits of mobile video surveillance might seem too good to be true. Cost-effective security can seem like a contradiction for managers and accounting teams who can’t see beyond the perceived cost of buying and constantly upgrading hardware and

Here’s How Video Surveillance Can Help Your Project Financially Read More »

Security camera technician gives thumbs up while holding surveillance equipment that can provide a video-verified response to a security incident.

How Video-Verified Responses Limit Damage and Risk

Learn how teaming up with a reliable surveillance team can help reduce false alarms, raise your security awareness, and save money State-of-the-art video surveillance is one of the best investments any job site can make. These camera-based systems can repay their initial cost many times over by fighting crime, deterring burglars, and providing potentially lifesaving

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a trade show security guard keeping an eye on attendees at a busy event.

5 Reasons You Need a Trade Show Security System at Your Next Event

A chaotic exhibit floor can be an inviting environment for thieves. Upgrading your security ensures items, vendors, and visitors are safe. Trade shows provide a bustling atmosphere where attendees can get up close to cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art automobiles, advancements in aviation equipment, trendy home renovation supplies, and other valuable commodities. For this reason, trade shows

5 Reasons You Need a Trade Show Security System at Your Next Event Read More »

Open multifloor building under construction viewed at night, illustrating the need for effective construction site security

Illuminating the Hidden Costs of Lax After-Hours Construction Site Security

Don’t be blind to costs that can derail your entire project – or the measures you can take to minimize them The after-hours activities of thieves and vandals can drive up project costs so significantly that they could endanger completion altogether. State-of-the-art video surveillance can provide powerful protection for your project during its most vulnerable

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video surveillance cameras at a construction yard are one way to update your security

5 Ways to Update the Security System at Your Construction Yard

As criminals evolve to use more technology and develop new techniques, business owners must stay one step ahead with the latest security trends Construction yards and sites contain significant value, as thieves can steal tools, equipment, and materials and resell them for profit. It’s one reason the National Equipment Register and National Insurance Crime Bureau

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surveillance cameras mounted on a post, an approach that can limit how much money a business loses via theft and vandalism

How Surveillance Cameras Can Limit Your Business’s Losses

A professional surveillance system will keep eyes on your property around the clock. It’s an approach that can save your company significant money, despite the upfront cost. Running a business is a lot of work on the best of days, and sometimes it can become completely overwhelming.  There are times when you could find yourself

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Security Cameras that Connects to Phone Without WiFi

How a Mobile Surveillance App Will Make Your Business More Secure

This method is a potent add-on to a video security system to help ensure your property has protection from theft and vandalism It’s impossible to keep an eye on your construction sites and other properties at all times. After all, you won’t be spending 24 hours a day in these locations, and you’ll need to

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fallen trees sit atop downed power lines in the aftermath of a hurricane, one of the utility infrastructure security threats a mobile security system can watch for

4 Utility Infrastructure Security Threats and How to Be Ready for Them

Our society relies heavily on its utility infrastructure, and monitoring it for potential problems can reduce downtime while eliminating threats We often take our utilities for granted, as we assume our phones, water, heating, electricity, and internet will work on demand whenever we need them. While it’s true that this infrastructure is usually functional, chaos

4 Utility Infrastructure Security Threats and How to Be Ready for Them Read More »

Insurance company files with a file marked “Under Investigation,” representing the problem of fraudulent claims

How Video Surveillance Prevents Fake Insurance Claims and Saves Money

Explore why the best eyewitness protection for businesses is the kind that never blinks There are many good reasons to use video surveillance at your worksite and its connected areas to protect against thieves, vandals, and trespassers. One fact that employers often overlook: Bad actors don’t always come from outside and carry a criminal record.

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a security guard monitoring a video feed after outsourcing your video surveillance

Unlocking Hidden Cost Savings by Outsourcing Your Video Surveillance

Using the services of an outsourced expert can lower your video surveillance costs upfront and long-term Video surveillance can be a vital part of your security strategy because it ensures you have eyes on your construction yard, job site, or business at all times. The cameras you install also act as a deterrent, scaring off

Unlocking Hidden Cost Savings by Outsourcing Your Video Surveillance Read More »

Graphic of car license plate being captured and reported on by a tag recognition camera

Understanding Vehicle Tag Recognition Cameras and Their Role in Site Monitoring

Learn how this valuable technology can help identify suspicious people and prosecute criminals Criminals will climb, jump, and sneak onto your worksite whenever they see an opportunity. They might also drive there to scope out a site before trying to break into it. Vehicles give them something to pack full of smaller stolen items or

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a scrap yard with a gate and security signs in place as part of a plan to avoid scrap metal theft

7 Tips to Protect Your Company From Scrap Metal Theft

Scrap metal has some resale value for thieves, so businesses should take some steps to secure any materials they keep on their properties Constructions sites and yards often leave scrap metal sitting around for weeks at a time. It might seem harmless, but if a thief catches wind that you’ve left this material unprotected, there’s

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Fire and water colliding against a black background, representing the challenges of fire and flood prevention.

What the Pros Wish You Knew About Catching Floods and Fires With Video Surveillance

Accidents and lack of vigilance go hand in hand. Here’s how video cameras can reduce serious on-site risks. You can’t always be at your worksite, yet potential hazards are a 24/7 threat. Environmental conditions, pure chance, and lax on-site practices can strike at any time to cause significant physical and financial harm. Your sector may

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a security guard monitoring a construction site through CCTV, one of the top video surveillance benefits

7 Financial Video Surveillance Benefits for Your Business

While there is an upfront cost, installing a video surveillance system can save you money in the long run It’s a simple truth that prompts many companies to invest in video surveillance systems: You can’t be at your job sites at all times. After all, there’s a good chance you have more than one location,

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Bright sun in a clear, blue sky can provide solar powered security for your construction site

The Benefits and Savings of Solar-Powered Security

Solar power isn’t just for the sunshine states. Here’s why it could be a bright idea for your security challenges. These are dark times in terms of crime, with businesses across the country seeing record amounts of theft and vandalism. Your site needs reliable security surveillance, whether you’re in retail or education or are safeguarding

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How to prevent construction site theft

Why Construction Site Theft is Common and What You Can Do About It

Thieves will target construction sites for various reasons and cause costly losses in terms of missing materials or equipment. The good news is your company can take some steps to prevent this from happening. People are always coming and going from construction sites, and that creates the perfect environment for things to go missing. Dozens

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construction surveillance

Lower Construction Site Liability with Monitored Video Surveillance

A single investment in visual security can prevent multiple expensive outcomes – including lawsuits –  related to construction site liability. Working in construction is one of the most potentially dangerous vocations in America. Many projects are run without due diligence on health and safety matters, for example, and even the best-managed sites have accidents happen.

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cameras providing monitored surveillance on a construction site

How Monitored Surveillance Services Can Keep Your Construction Project on Track

Having a trained surveillance professional monitor your construction site’s mobile video security system can eliminate many day-to-day problems you might experience. A lot can go wrong on a construction site because there are so many variables at play. You have multiple employees working on different aspects of the project, all of which have the potential

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a job site with video surveillance equipment

What You Should Know About Construction Site Safety Standards

Keeping your construction site safe is essential to the overall health of your workers and business. OSHA sets and enforces safety standards, and you could find yourself liable if your organization doesn’t meet them.  Here’s what you need to know. Safety is a vital topic for any business owner because they never want to see

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A residential construction site worker turns his back on a valuable pile of lumber

5 Ways Video Surveillance Delivers Residential Construction Security

Residential builds don’t have to live with trespassers, thieves, and financial losses. The right video surveillance systems can prevent some of the biggest issues that impact construction sites. Residential construction projects struggle with security, and that’s true no matter how well the economy is doing. These sites are plentiful in a booming economic environment, for

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Surveillance camera mounted high above a construction site

What You Need to Know About Mobile Video Surveillance for Your Construction Site

Construction projects are vulnerable on multiple fronts. Video surveillance means they don’t have to be easy targets for criminals. Installing video surveillance has many advantages for every kind of business. Those in the construction industry can benefit more than most because they know that “closing” a site after hours is a lot harder than it

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use a remote monitored video surveillance

Why Remote Security and Video Surveillance Are Worthwhile Investments

Commercial premises, construction sites, equipment and storage yards, even trade booths and exhibit shows are often targeted by thieves, trespassers, and vandals. Security threats don’t stop there either. Some of the biggest risks are already inside the organization and working to exploit it. Modern video surveillance and remote security are the two most powerful tools

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graffiti tagging

How to Prevent Graffiti Tagging

Many types of criminals like to target construction sites. This is what makes construction site security so essential. It can help prevent and prosecute criminal acts, including those by that vandal/trespasser hybrid better known as the graffiti tagger. Graffiti is an expensive problem in America. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that tackling it costs

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A red and white warning sign reads “PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING,” illustrating the signage required in many states’ trespassing laws.

Trespassing Laws in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C

Commercial properties and construction sites are top targets for trespassers. More than 1,000 pieces of commercial equipment are stolen every month, for example. At other times they’re simply seeking the thrill of being somewhere they shouldn’t. Property managers must safeguard their premises with commercial security systems in either instance to protect people and possessions. Investing

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nvr vs dvr security cameras

NVR vs DVR: Which System Is Right For Your Storage Lot?

Storage Lot Showdown: DVR vs. NVR Security Camera Systems Owning a storage lot can be an excellent investment, and deploying first-class security surveillance is the best way to protect it against bad actors. Storage lots aren’t just a major financial commitment for their owners; customers using your lot are trusting you to protect their possessions

NVR vs DVR: Which System Is Right For Your Storage Lot? Read More »

tow lot

9 Benefits of 24/7 Tow Lot Video Surveillance

Owning a tow lot means valuable vehicles and equipment are sitting in full view of potential thieves and vandals. Car lots of any type are a magnet for these kinds of criminals, making it essential for owners to take extra protective measures to watch over their investments and keep business moving. Video surveillance is a

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types of theft at construction sites

10 Tips for Construction Site Theft Prevention Guide

Projects in the construction industry often take multiple days, weeks, or months to complete, leading to tools and equipment being left at the job site. This practice unfortunately leads to a significant amount of construction site theft, because the construction site equipment is unsupervised after everyone departs for the evening. Close to $1 billion is

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Hear the Warning Before Vandalism Takes Place

10 Major Advantages of Mobile Surveillance Security Systems

Mobile surveillance security systems are becoming increasingly popular as advances in technology make the units better and more portable. While a fixed surveillance system requires a lot of cabling that anchors to a single location, mobile surveillance systems are easily movable because they don’t require as intensive an installation as fixed units. Mobile surveillance systems

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Retail Security Cameras

Your Guide to Using Retail Security Cameras to Assess Workflow & Customer Activity

Retail security cameras are an invaluable resource for retail stores everywhere. Theft is the biggest challenge retail establishments face, whether through shoplifting or employee theft. Having security cameras in your store can be the best deterrent to theft and reduce shrinkage. Most businesses install security cameras to reduce theft and regulate behavior in the retail

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4 Art Event Security Risks to Watch for in Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. is a world of wonder for art lovers and historians. The city is home to 70 unique museums, some of which are the world’s most visited. But it’s also home to art event security risks facing museum exhibitions and outdoor art events alike. While most are familiar with the Smithsonian museums, there are

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business security camera at small business

8 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Security Cameras Effectively

Small business owners have put their heart and soul into building their businesses, and they deserve to have top security and peace of mind just like the big boys. A security and CCTV system can be a significant expense, but it is one that pays off in the long run for small businesses. What are some reasons

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A security camera indoors at a medical office

Surveillance Camera Systems for Medical Offices

Medical offices are not immune to crime — or to access by unauthorized people. A surveillance system that incorporates video can help protect your medical practice and the employees who work there from theft, violence and patient record violations. At the same time, you need to be careful to ensure that your patients’ privacy is

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