Secure Your Marina With Monitored Site Surveillance
Remote monitored video surveillance can help protect your busy marina and the boats that are docked there from theft and vandalism at night. If an incident occurs, live video monitoring allows the police to respond more quickly. They may even arrive while thieves are still trying to gain access or before vandals have started their destruction.
Recorded marina CCTV coverage is also invaluable in prosecuting trespassers, thieves, and vandals since it provides clear visual evidence of their crimes. Just knowing that a marina is monitored at all times is frequently enough to discourage criminals from targeting that site.
Our clear signage stating that your marina or dock is under “Active Surveillance” is fair warning that they should rethink their illegal plans. Discouraging criminals, or at least catching them in the act, is preferable to hoping for their arrest after the damage is done. It’s also generally less damaging to your bottom line!
Safety First
Marina security involves more than just protecting property. Between boat owners and their guests, restaurant diners, busy fuel and dump stations, and your employees, there is a constant influx of people arriving by both land and sea. With that much activity going on, it’s vital to have an adequate CCTV security system that can monitor everything that’s happening.
If an accident or other incident takes place, recorded CCTV footage will provide clear proof of what actually happened. This is excellent protection in the case of fraudulent insurance claims or liability lawsuits. It can also be invaluable in case of fire, since a boat fire can spread quickly to other boats in a marina. Having footage of the event available can help settle insurance claims more quickly.
Live video surveillance also provides tremendous peace of mind for people who may be living aboard their boats or even just visiting them after dark. For that reason, your security system should monitor and record all visitors from the time they arrive by vehicle or boat until they leave. A proper CCTV system helps to ensure their safety even if their boat is docked in the very last slip.
Knowing that you provide live monitoring at night may even be the deciding factor in whether they choose your marina over a competitor’s. Your customers will certainly appreciate the fact that you provide effective marina security via the use of a modern video surveillance system like Mobile Video Guard.
Loss Prevention
Restaurants, gift shops, fuel stations, storage areas, parked cars, and empty boats are all tempting targets for thieves and pilfering employees. Just knowing that they are being watched by live surveillance is often enough to deter them from committing their intended crimes. The loss reduction from installing CCTV cameras in key areas is often significant.
Key Areas in Which to Install CCTV cameras:
- All entrances and exits, whether from land or boat
- Every retail area, especially each cash exchange point
- Storage areas
- Docks and boat ramps
- All loading and unloading zones
- Refueling and dump stations
- Parking areas
Protecting an Open-Access Environment
By their very nature, marinas are exceptionally difficult to protect using conventional security measures. They cover an expansive area, have a high traffic volume, offer many valuable targets, and are vulnerable from the waterside. All of these factors create a security nightmare. Fortunately, proper marina surveillance, especially if it includes live monitoring, can greatly increase security across the entire marina.
The Benefits of Live Video Monitoring
A state-of-the-art surveillance system provides the peace of mind of knowing that your property, customers, and employees are all safer because they are being monitored in real-time at night. If someone is being attacked, quick intervention is essential in order to prevent serious injuries or even death. Live video monitoring provides that quick intervention.
Each of our CCTV units is equipped with red/blue flashing police-style strobe lights and a loudspeaker. Our surveillance staff, who all have law enforcement experience, quickly recognize suspicious activity and respond appropriately. By activating the strobe lights and yelling at the perpetrator, they can stop an attack before it has even started.
Immediately contacting the local authorities, they will provide a description of the suspect and direct the police to the suspect’s hiding place or the direction in which he fled. Night no longer protects criminals when their nefarious activities are being monitored in real-time from our state-of-the-art operations center!
Relying on security guards may, or may not, be effective. It leaves your marina’s security in the hands of people who may lack the training, attention span, effectiveness, or even the honesty needed to protect your customers’ valuable boats and expensive electronics and your own equally valuable property, equipment, and supplies. Our live monitoring provides more comprehensive security than on-site security guards and at a much lower price. Can you afford not to use it?
Our Remote Video Surveillance Services

Outdated technology gives criminals the upper hand. Investing in our modern, cost-effective, and powerfully beneficial remote video surveillance system gives you more control over what’s happening in your marina.
- Our camera units are generally mounted on walls or poles and can detect activity taking place 300+ feet away at night.
- Each unit has four camera views and provides 360° coverage.
- Our units can utilize shore power or optional solar power.
- We provide live monitoring from 6 PM until 6 AM and will immediately alert the police about suspicious activity at your marina.
- Police prioritize verified video alerts and will respond promptly.
- You may qualify for an insurance discount if you have an up-to-date security system.
- Remote video surveillance costs much less than hiring security guards.
- We don’t require long-term contracts.
- Your new marina surveillance system will usually be up and running in less than a week!
A complete, effective CCTV surveillance system can protect your marina, boat docks, and other property by deterring thieves, vandals, arsonists, and scam artists. It also helps keep your customers and employees safer. It may even lower your insurance costs and those of the boaters who keep their boats at your dock. With all of those benefits, why wouldn’t you install a Mobile Video Guard System?