Mobile Video Guard - Video Camera Security Systems

Why Fake Security Cameras Won’t Protect Your Business

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    Real video surveillance is necessary if you’re serious about stopping criminals

    fake security cameras

    On the surface, installing fake security cameras around your property might make some sense. After all, imitation cameras are less expensive than real video surveillance devices, and they could conceivably have some benefits as a crime deterrent.

    However, the reality is that fake cameras don’t offer legitimate security, as they’re completely useless if someone breaks into your store, warehouse, construction yard, or other business. They could also provide a false sense of security for employees because they’ll feel protected when they aren’t. And finally, the savviest criminals are adept at spotting fake cameras and may view a property that has them as a softer target.

    It’s best to invest in an actual video surveillance system due to the potential issues these phony setups can create. Here are more reasons fake security cameras don’t provide much, if any, protection for your company:

    Thieves can tell the difference

    The main reason fake security cameras won’t protect your company from theft is that most of them don’t look real. Many of these products have a cheap plastic composition, so a seasoned criminal will know right away that you don’t have an active security system. 

    These fake cameras usually don’t have branding, either, which is a quick way for thieves to check their authenticity. Criminals can also tell if a camera is real or not by:

    • Making a note of their installation locations
    • Looking for active lights 
    • Waiting for the cameras to move

    When you hire a security company to develop a system, they will install real cameras in strategic locations around your property. Thieves often know where to look for these cameras because surveillance typically monitors expensive equipment or poorly-lit areas. However, a non-expert may not put as much thought into where cameras are placed, which is a clear indicator for criminals. 

    Next, many cameras feature a light that lets you know the device is operational. While some fake versions also have this light, it looks cheap on many of them. Real security cameras also usually move occasionally to expand their range. When all the devices on a property always remain still, it can indicate they’re fake.

    There are many ways for thieves to check your camera system for authenticity, but the critical thing to remember is that many offenders can tell the difference. 

    No peace of mind

    Even if your fake security system does deter some thieves, will it really make you feel safe? You can’t be on the job site around the clock, and only a real security system provides real security.

    Monitored surveillance keeps eyes on the property when you aren’t there, ensuring nothing bad happens. The best solutions are professionally monitored; a trained security guard watches the feed, adding another layer of continuous protection. This peace of mind after installing a legitimate security system might be worth the cost alone.

    Fake cameras don’t stop internal theft

    According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, asset misappropriation, including the theft of goods from the workplace, is present in 89% of occupational fraud cases. About 21% of those cases involve stealing items from the job site. 

    One way to reduce this risk is by installing surveillance cameras around your property to create accountability for employees. But workers will likely know if your security system is genuine or not. And if you have some dishonest employees, them realizing you have fake cameras could give the green light to begin stealing items. 

    Internal theft is a massive problem for businesses all over the country, as it causes about 30% of bankruptcies. If you aren’t doing everything in your power to prevent it, you’re opening the door for theft and fraud and the losses that go along with them. 

    There could be legal consequences

    While rare, there could even be scenarios where fake cameras open you up to lawsuits. Suppose, for example, you have an artificial security system at a construction yard, but no one knows the cameras aren’t real. As a result, employees, vendors, and other visitors might feel their belongings are safe in their vehicles or around the property, only to have them go missing. They’ll then ask you to review the security feed to see who stole their items. 

    You’ll have to reveal that you have fake security cameras, which could open the door for a lawsuit under certain circumstances. Even if you don’t end up in court, the situation is very embarrassing and could lose you credibility with customers, peers, and employees. 

    Invest in the real deal

    You can avoid the disappointment and adverse outcomes of installing fake security cameras by investing in a legitimate security system. These systems aren’t as expensive as you might think and may save you money in the long run. 

    Mobile Video Guard provides remote video security surveillance for construction companies, trade shows, and other businesses. Our team will help select and install the ideal security system to meet your needs, keeping your property, equipment, possessions, and people safer. 

    Contact Mobile Video Guard today to learn about our security offerings or receive a quote for your company. 


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