6 Fire Alarm Features for Temporary Construction Sites: Find Which is Right for You

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    There are a number of potential hazards on construction sites, even if preparation always requires some capital spending. Because construction sites are usually temporary, this could mean investing in fire safety equipment you may not need at every location.

    There really isn’t any use of investing outright when leasing is a viable opportunity. In fact, it’s more than possible to lease most things, including fire alarms. A temporary fire alarm is an important component since it allows you to have an alarm customized for each individual site.

    Types of fire alarms available, though, are sometimes overwhelming when considering the features available. Fire alarms are more sophisticated technologically nowadays, making choice more challenging.

    Here are 6 different job site fire alarm features that you’ll probably come across:

    • Battery Powered Alarms
    • Strobe lights
    • Manually Controlled Alarms
    • Interlinking Systems
    • Direct Communication Alarms
    • Self-Contained Alarams

    Take a minute to learn about these different fire alarms you’ll want to consider for your next construction project.

    Consider a Battery-Powered Fire Alarm Instead

    Did you know that more high-tech fire alarms are powered by battery? Not everyone considers this when investing in fire alarms. Some construction managers insist on having electric-powered alarms, which only costs more to install and creates complications if the power ever goes out.

    Maybe some think a battery-powered fire alarm isn’t as reliable as one running off the electric grid. This isn’t true since the batteries used in these fire alarms are higher quality than what you may remember.

    The benefit here is that you’re only working on your construction site temporarily. If working in a permanent location, hardwired fire alarms would be more important. Batteries used in temporary fire alarms are made to last and withstand the time it takes for your construction project to finish.

    At the same time, battery-powered alarms are easier to install. These can be installed in an hour rather than take a full day. However, the quality of the temporary fire alarm product makes all the difference.

    Should You Consider a Fire Alarm With a Strobe Light?

    More construction sites are starting to consider temporary fire alarms with visual warnings over audio. While you can get fire alarms that are self-contained and have various features rolled into one, one with a strobe light might be more suitable.

    If your work site is overly noisy, an alarm with a strobe light or other light detector would be a smart investment for better safety. Your best bet is an alarm with both noise and strobes so you don’t depend on one feature.

    Larger construction sites benefit from strobe lighting features since workers may be too far away to even hear the alarms. For instance, construction on a skyscraper may have a crew working at high elevations, making it tougher for alerts if a fire breaks out. Strobe lighting is strong, giving plenty of visual cues for workers to evacuate immediately. Incidentally, these are required in commercial buildings.

    Despite the visual aspects being important, many technologically-advanced fire alarms now have very loud sound systems. They’re sometimes heard above any other construction noise. Then again, when numerous machinery operates at the same time, you’d be better suited with visual aids out of precaution.

    Manually Controlled Fire Alarms

    Some construction sites are smaller, depending on the project. Building smaller homes, for instance, might warrant manually-controlled fire alarms. These are controlled by an individual who sets off the alarm if they see a fire break out.

    Clearly, these aren’t made for large work sites where one person has to be depended upon to flip the alarm switch. Sometimes the manual control might involve a megaphone, or even using air horns. Using these might help provide as much alert noise as the alarm itself does.

    Nevertheless, the larger the construction site is, the less effective these are. They are a very affordable option, however, and may not even require an official installation.

    The immediate benefit of a manually-controlled system is that it has someone available to give direction on where to evacuate. Due to the fire, evacuation methods might have to be changed at the last second, offering someone available to relay directions to workers via megaphone.

    Interlinking Fire Alarm Systems

    Types of Fire Alarms for Temporary Sites
    Engineer checking Industrial fire control system.

    Most construction sites are not small, hence possibly requiring more than one fire alarm within the work location. Interlinking fire alarms are another type to consider, outside these being programmed through a control panel.

    Using interlinked systems means when one alarm goes off where a fire starts, all other alarms will also go off to alert the entire area. Thanks to many of these alarms being wireless, you don’t have to worry about a complicated setup.

    In a high-rise structure, these can also be placed in any location and still pick up wireless signals from the initial fire detection device. All of these can also run by battery.

    Controlling everything through a panel is not too difficult, though. For wireless alarms, they can be managed directly through a smartphone or other mobile device.

    Direct Communication Fire Alarms

    The use of direct communication alarms shouldn’t be overlooked if wanting an alert system set directly into the devices. With direct communication alarms, the program automatically calls fire dispatch to come to the scene of the fire. Yes, this works similarly to break-in alarm systems that automatically call the police if someone enters a home or business.

    Precoding these to alert the fire department will save a lot of time when the chaos of a fire occurs. Fires can often bring considerable confusion, especially if they become more problematic than expected. Having to depend on someone to call firefighters manually should never be depended upon solely due to confusion and shock sometimes setting in.

    Self-Contained Alarms

    Going back to thinking about self-contained alarms should become another top contender on your list. Maybe you need a little more comprehensiveness in your alarm system due to the particular construction site scenario.

    A self-contained alarm will have a sounder, plus some kind of visual signal all in one. They may even offer options of manual control or preprogramming beforehand.


    No matter what you choose, brand name often makes the difference on reliability. Let us help you find the right temporary fire alarm system at Mobile Video Guard with reliable brands like Ramtech.


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