Solar power isn’t just for the sunshine states. Here’s why it could be a bright idea for your security challenges.

These are dark times in terms of crime, with businesses across the country seeing record amounts of theft and vandalism. Your site needs reliable security surveillance, whether you’re in retail or education or are safeguarding a construction site or equipment yard.
Retail is reeling from an above-average increase in solo and organized crime incidents. Schools are more at risk than ever from shootings and other forms of violent crime. This news report from Texas earlier this year is indicative of the pressure the construction sector is facing nationwide from criminals.
That last article also raises the sobering point that, even with builders risk insurance, construction companies may not be covered for the loss of anything that isn’t nailed down.
This guide will address some common questions on solar power and explain how solar-powered cameras can overcome traditional surveillance limitations and deliver reliability that beats electrically or generator-powered options.
Why do I need solar-powered cameras if staff are on-site during the day?
Traditionally powered surveillance has a big job on its hands, and it’s forced to perform at a time when statewide power outages are starting to become more common. These grid shortages mean it’s increasingly open season for criminals on sites when security is left blind.
The increased odds of an electrical outage aside, worker shortages can cause businesses, yards, and construction sites to be understaffed or entirely vacant during the day, meaning there are fewer or zero eyes available to stay vigilant.
These locations are closed for different reasons, with on-hold construction projects at pronounced risk. A fortune in materials, equipment, and appliances is just lying around waiting for work to resume, with no employees on-site to watch it. It’s true that sites might use physical security guards during the day, but if you don’t have video surveillance, they’ll also have to be employed at night.
This represents a round-the-clock expense. Solar-powered cameras can protect you both during the day and into the night. The natural light may not be there after sundown, but the energy stored during the day can continue to provide power to protect your location after dark.
Isn’t solar power limited to clear conditions?
This is another common misconception dispelled by the same facts that address the notion that solar power won’t work at night. Sunlight is always present during the day (otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to see), and solar energy can still be effectively drawn, used, and stored for use in overcast conditions or at night.
In a strange but true twist, it’s the sunniest of states that don’t always get the best results from solar. While it’s true that a clear sunny day will provide optimum solar-powered performance, it’s also true that too much heat can be an impairment. Thus, it’s the overcast states that top the charts for most effective use of solar power, so don’t let the fact that you don’t live in California or Florida put you off.
Why is solar power such a good fit for construction sites?
Construction projects are mobile by nature, working in places where video surveillance of the traditional fixed kind is impossible. It’s also often challenging to find power outlets that accommodate security cameras in the first place. Add to this that construction projects can sometimes be without electrical power on-site, and the industry – which stands to lose over $1 billion annually from theft and vandalism – has a serious security hurdle to surmount.
Solar-powered units help overcome all these physical limitations while also being eco-friendly. Using solar energy means there’s no stress on the grid and no fuel-powered generators producing toxic fumes dangerous to those on-site, in the local vicinity, and to the general atmosphere.
Our solar-powered security solutions
Mobile Video Guard provides security units powered by solar that can deliver up to five days of reliably powered surveillance if complete blackout conditions hit your site. Our options come in two types. The first is a pole-mounted system that comes with its own pole if the customer requires it. The solar panels are set at the base, while the camera is elevated to provide superior video views of the area.
Our second option is a “skid style” design, which isn’t fixed like the pole model yet still provides the same elevated surveillance view. Skid systems are more flexible, as they allow for ease of transportation and repositioning around the site as your surveillance needs dictate. Both these options further help reduce the odds of trespasser vandalism, thanks to having the camera mounted 20-plus feet in the air.
Our security units also represent significant savings on the expense of hiring physical security guards. We went in-depth on the cost-effectiveness of video cameras and how they transcend the physical limitations of on-site personnel.
The solar-powered cameras we provide can also work with complementary tools such as our WES3 system, which quickly and securely communicates fire and medical emergencies. We can also give you remote access to your security feed so you can check up personally on how your site is doing through the night.
Contact our experts with any questions
The team at Mobile Video Guard is here to answer any questions you have about solar-powered security. We can also assess your site to see if it will be a good solution for you. If it is, you can count on reliable security surveillance without being tied down to long-term contracts. Just contact us to learn more about protecting yourself with solar when and where you need to.