COVID-19: Keeping Your Workplace Safe While Working From Home

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    For the past four months, the coronavirus pandemic has been affecting the world more and more each day. Here in the U.S., we may have gotten a later start on the craziness than other countries, but it’s hitting us just as hard now that it’s here. Workplaces are closed up due to state orders for non-essential businesses to shut down, adding a mountain of stress for those who now have to adjust to either working from home or being laid off. 

    For business owners who have closed their doors to the public, there’s more to worry about than just transitioning your company to operate while working from home; you need to keep in mind the office building you left behind. Crime is one business that hasn’t gone away during the COVID-19 outbreak. Here are some of our favorite tips to keep your office safe and secure while you and your employees are working from home.

    First and Foremost: Security Cameras

    Security cameras are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting your workplace from intruders and vandals. Video surveillance serves a number of roles in a normal situation, but it’s even more vital in an emergency like this. Your office is vulnerable to break-ins while your doors are closed during this pandemic because people know that office building are likely to be empty right now. 

    Now’s the time to revamp your security system and make sure everything is working as it should be. There are a number of excellent reasons to outfit your office building with video surveillance during the COVID-19 outbreak.

    1. Speed up police proceedings

    We’re all limiting contact with one another, and that’s no different for law enforcement agencies. Police departments have also had to redefine what “essential” means in order to limit their officers’ exposure to the virus, meaning they’re limiting what calls they go on. Should a break-in occur at your office building, having video footage of the culprits will greatly improve the chances that police will take your case seriously and will speed up the resulting investigation.

    2. Keep an eye on your building in real time, while staying safe

    Today’s technology makes it easier than ever to stay connected, both to one another and to your devices. You can now install security cameras around your office that you’re able to check on right from your smartphone. This allows you to safely work from home with the peace of mind that you can continue checking in on your office building anytime you want.

    3. Get an image of a suspect in a time when it’s unlikely there will be a witness

    In a normal time, if something were to happen to your office building like a break-in or vandalism, it would be vital to try to find a witness to the crime in order to get a good idea of who could have done it. But due to the stay-at-home orders implemented in many cities, it’s unlikely you’ll have a witness to rely on. Having reliable security cameras around your building is the only way you may be able to get an idea of a suspect. 

    Create a List of Who is Allowed to Come and Go

    COVID-19: Keeping Your Office Safe While Working from Home

    If you’re not the sole owner of your business, or if you have trusted colleagues with whom you share privileges, it’s important in this time of uncertainty to know who’s allowed to go where and when. Create an official document listing who in your company has keys to the office and who’s allowed to enter. Those who do enter need to ensure they sanitize appropriately before and after. You can follow up with your security cameras to make sure that only one or two people have access to the building at a time in order to follow the government’s social distancing recommendations.

    Hide Any Expensive Equipment

    Cubicles and desks are easy targets if someone were to gain entry to your building. Instruct employees to take personal items home with them when they begin working from home. Wherever possible, lock up equipment like computers and tablets in storage rooms, conference rooms, or offices — anything with a lockable door — instead of leaving them out on desks and easily visible through windows.

    Check in Regularly

    Criminals who keep an eye on businesses they’re targeting for a break-in or similar incident are less likely to act on it if they see relatively frequent activity. While you’re away from your office and working from home, that’s of course harder to accomplish. Stop into the office yourself every couple of days to do a walkthrough of the property and make sure nothing seems out of the ordinary. Remotely check on your security camera footage daily. If someone is targeting your business for any sort of crime, they may chicken out if they see your car pull up more often than other businesses.

    Other Things to Keep in Mind

    While your building’s security is of utmost importance during these uncertain times, consider prioritizing more than that. Take this time to be proactive. Have your cleaning crew do a deep clean of the office, both to disinfect possible COVID-19 contamination and to create a clean and sterile environment to return to when things go back to normal. In addition, now’s a good time to make sure your emergency systems are up to date. Contact your local fire department to see if they’re available during this time to do a building walkthrough to ensure that your building is up to code. 

    It’s an unprecedented time around the world. Transitioning your company from an office-based business to a work-from-home basis is hard enough of a task without worrying about whether or not your office building is safe in the meantime. If you’re ready to upgrade your security cameras so you’re able to keep a better eye on your property while working from home, don’t hesitate to contact us todayMobile Video Guard is staffed by security professionals who are ready and willing to get your security where it needs to be. 


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