Billing Name*
Who should we send the monthly billing notices to?
Areas of Concern Particular areas of concern or special attention on site:
Prior Incidents
Any prior break ins or thefts? If so what area on site was targeted?
On Site Security Do you have on site secuirty guard service? If so please provide details about their hours and a point of contact at the company?
Local Police
Which local police department is responsible for your site area? Do you have an out of the area emergency number for them?
Gate Code
Please provide the combination to any locks that would be needed to access the site. Typically police will not climb a fence to gain entry into a site and check it so we need to be able to provide them with a way to access.
What hours should we arm (monitor) your site Monday through Friday?
The start time should be when the last workers are expected to be gone for the day. The end time should be when the first workers are expected to arrive on-site in the morning.
What hours should we arm (monitor) your site Saturday and Sunday?
The start time should be when the last workers are expected to be gone for the day. The end time should be when the first workers are expected to arrive on-site in the morning.
Every Friday morning we send out an email asking which days and during what hours you will have people on site over the weekend. Which email should we send this weekly request to?
If we don't get a response your site will be armed/disarmed based on the above schedule.
Court Subpoena Info Please list the name and address for the person that would come to court as the "victim" if a break in occurs. The police will ask us for this if they capture someone on site. Having this info in our system may avoid you having to drive to the site in the middle of the night